So, I had a run at installing an IRC server to the box tonight, and that seemed to go pretty well. It was reasonably well documented, and the set up process wasn’t too difficult. It seems that a lot of systems that you have to compile from source are set up with some sort of configuration script that does most of the decision making for you.
Anyway, it’s up and running and listening, and I got the proper DMZ set up on the router, but for whatever reason I can’t seem to connect. I did a port scan on the server and found that the IRC port was being blocked still, so I’m unsure what the deal is. It’s a bit frustrating, because I feel like I should be able to resolve this on my own, but at the same time I feel like there is something else going on with the ISP.

Meh. The good news is that I can connect to the IRC server when I try to do so locally on the network. So it’s working that far, I think. Oh well! When I have a chance I may give support a call and see what they think.